
How To Keep Up With A Mod's Style

Martin Freeman once said that being a fashionista means feeling above style. And we absolutely agree with that!

Mr Freeman was undoubtedly correct that if you are a fashionista, it would not hurt you to share with someone your beliefs and ideas that you have. At the same time, to be proud and, of course, to be dressed in clothes that represent you as a person. Moreover, it will symbolise your belonging to the most significant and, at the same time, stable world subculture, which is gaining more and more popularity every day.

Nevertheless, as we all can already see, autumn crept up on us quite imperceptibly, so you need to think about wearing warm clothes.

Therefore, if you want to look appropriate for this chilly season but at the same keep up with a mod style, then we will certainly help you with this. Now we will consider a small memo that will guide you in the right direction of choosing suitable and fashionable autumn clothes.

All in all, to help you in your search for the perfect fall fashion, we’ve put together a short guide on how to wear autumn clothes the right way.

The Head

It’s no secret that there is no substitute for an excellent, fashionable haircut. And yet, when the temperature drops significantly and frosts begin to rage, then it’s time to try on warm and stylish hats. Because they will undoubtedly be an excellent and correct decision in this case.

As you may have noticed, Steve Marriott prefers to wear a woven hat, which most people think is more suitable for summer than autumn. But we want to assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised by the excellent insulation this hat can provide you. What’s more, if you choose a thicker woollen pork pie hat, Dekker trilby, or fedora, warmth is guaranteed.

The classic fashion version of the cap in the style of a train conductor will also pleasantly surprise you. Namely, its functionality, fashionable style and alternative image, in general, will not leave you indifferent. This hat will add extravagance to any of your mod-style autumn looks and will attract the attention of everyone who sees it on you.

The Middle

The Middlelewisleathers

There is no doubt that one of the main advantages of autumn is the opportunity to dress in an epically mod-style coat or jacket. At the same time, abandoning the usual well-worn but still deserving of your attention green parkas. You will be able to wear this outerwear every time you go outside to feel warm. But if you are a genuine fashionista, then a pea coat is no less a proven option.

Well, let’s say you want to form a bright, unusual image for yourself, suitable for autumn fashion. In this case, the iconic jacket with a donkey will be a stunning unique idea for you, which will suit the autumn season in the best possible way.

We also want to add that if you want to create a successful, stylish autumn outfit, it would be appropriate to add patches or badges to your autumn jacket. They can be with the image of your favourite fashion prints and alternative symbols. But if you want to make your autumn style unique, then you can also add a fashionable scarf with a paisley photo to your outfit. If you like more geometric prints, they will also be entirely appropriate when creating stylish looks.

The Bottom


If you desire a more modern approach to a classic mod-style vibe to have a good fall look, then you need to think about the right choice of jeans. We advise you to choose a pair of blue or black Levis-style skinny jeans that perfectly fit the contours of your legs. But at the exact moment, they should be moderately tight. For men and women, the option of jegging jeans will be a perfect choice. Because ordinary pants will only distract attention from your modern style.

As mentioned above, we can understand that the revivalists wore trousers or pants with a drainpipe with a rolled-up bottom. And also they wore trousers along with suspenders. But although we want to point out that the suspenders may not be visible to others since they will be hidden under your coat. Nevertheless, they will undoubtedly make your outfit more authentic and attractive.

During the mainstream era of Britpop, cult bands like Blur and Oasis brought back the fashion trend. But they brought it with a more sloppy and purposely casual look influenced by the 70s. However, if you are leaning more towards the 90s style in your autumn look, then we have some advice for you. And the main thing is that you need to choose a pair of tailored trousers or classic flared denim jeans to look really stylish.

The Feet

PU Leather Thick Heel Men's Loafer / Trendy Buckle Shoes / Male Platforms Shoes - HARD'N'

Shoes are one of the crucial parts of your mod-style look. So if you want to create the most fashionable autumn style for yourself, you need to choose a suitable pair of shoes very carefully. We recommend you to choose a classic but at the same time bright pair of bowling shoes. Or you can just pick an ordinary pair of trapped-soled loafers, sand or dark colours. If you are a fashion revivalist, the perfect boot for you would be a classic sturdy pair of Dr Martens (or similar boots) to be an excellent choice.

And we also want to add one interesting detail. If you are a fashionista all year round, regardless of your shoes, then socks will be an important part of your outfit. They can have a paisley print, polka dots or just bright ones that will add interest to your look. The pattern on your socks can even express your individual creativity!


Fashion culture is infinitely infectious, meaningful, and uncompromising. Moreover, it reflects the sentiments of young generations that are echoed continuously in modern life. Being a mod is excellent, and we hope our little guide will help you make your autumn look as fashionable as possible. Do not hesitate to show everyone your uniqueness not only in clothes but also in your personality. Good luck!

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