
How to create Grunge Aesthetic Outfit

Grunge Aesthetic Outfit | Women on on a grunge background

How to create a Grunge Aesthetic Outfit?
There is no straight answer to this question, but everything boils down to plane basic principles and in this article, we’ll try to cover this topic. We will give you some general tips of what will make your outfits look “grungy”. To be honest, these aren’t really tips. It’s more just like generalizations of what is in this style so keep that in mind.

OK. The first tip and the one we think is most important is LAYERS.
You can literally not have enough layers when you try to look grungy. T-shirts over long sleeves, t-shirts over sweatshirts, tank tops over short sleeves, tank tops over long sleeves… You’ve got the point, layers upon layers upon layers. You can never have enough.
Credit⚡: @jaglever

The second tip is wearing a lot of jewellery and specifically chain jewellery.
Nothing is going to take your outfits from just regular to 100% grunge as if you wear tons of chains. Going along with that there is something else that is very grungy. Yep, it’s piercings. And if you are not yet fancy enough to make extra holes in your body, you can always get fake piercings.
Credit⚡: @flatcetera

Tip number three is to wear darker colours.
Though you can look grungy wearing bright colours it just doesn’t really seem to vibe or work well. It will probably look more like another style. So blacks, greys, beiges and then little pops of maybe red or blues is what generally look the edgiest.

Tip number four is to wear sneakers or some sort of combat boots.
Vans, converse and Doc Martens are gonna be you best friends now 🙂
Credit⚡: @addictedtodrmartens

The next tip
(number five if you are still counting) is to wear patterns such as stripes and checkers. You’ll tend to see those things a lot (especially on Instagram posts).
Credit⚡: @uncur.a.ble

And the last one is having black nails.
Oh yeah, it is that simple.

We hope that now you’ll be able to pick grungy items for your closet and make some grunge aesthetic outfits (if it’s that what you are into).

Cheers guys!

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